All Posts By Dana

Showing 1 - 20 of 92 Results (0.0192 )
  • 1. Descending Road Purpose
    WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK "Descending Road and its World" wraps itself around our thirst for justice, hope, and peace. That is a big wrapper. It confronts us with ourselves: Do we engineer deracinated subhumans to serve us? Do we submerge ourselves in the violent temptations of supremacy? Do we ...
  • 2. Other Work
    Other Work Sometimes other offerings of mine attract interest, and I make them available for download. I'll be adding some of them here. Here is one of those writings, available as a PDF file: Reading List on Racism
  • 3. DR Derizan Scene 60 In Darkness
    IN DARKNESS Scene 60 Bunjaian lugged the unconscious Guinban. Piotras, chasing close behind, tumbled into the chamber just as Mentrianos reached the pedestal and triggered the portal. A powerful temblor knocked all of them off balance; Bunjaian fell, dropping his burden, and struck his head against the pedestal’s heavy shaft. ...
  • 4. Writing Worlds
    Writing Worlds For me, J. R. R. Tolkien transformed the world of fiction writing. What does this mean? He created his own ways of telling stories. He imagined and portrayed entire worlds. He wielded storytelling language so distinctively, so powerfully, so engagingly, that legions of his readers entered his worlds ...
  • 5. Descending Road Alien Note
    THE ALIEN SPEAKS You should understand from the beginning that I’m not human. I’ve been interested for a long time (“a long time” – that’s a phrase I’ve learned to like) in humans. I find your habit of writing down words and letting them drift into the future a charming ...
  • 6. Descending Road: An Introduction
    DESCENDING ROAD AND ITS WORLD “That’s a great world you’ve created, but I wouldn’t want to live there” – from a published pro writer. Lose yourself in a mighty planet of adventure! Six main characters, their fates entangled, striving to survive. Ten clashing clans. A main saga in ...
  • 7. DR Derizan Intro
    DERIZAN’S JOURNEY: A STORY BEING WRITTEN The world of Descending Road holds some stories begun but not yet told. The writing is happening right now, as Derizan and his companions, escaping from a forced march into genocide, grapple with a flight into the unknown. The new writing, in the form ...
  • 8. DR Derizan Scene 59 Thunder
    THUNDER Scene 59 Fiarsinhilh sulked in innerspace. She was hungry, Zash-hungry. Maybe it was time to prompt Derizan again. An odd, unpleasant aroma crept into the near space, near to the humans in the outer world, an odor Fiarsinhilh had never sensed in all of her long time. It brought ...
  • 9. DR Derizan Scene 52 Meeting Diamann
    MEETING DIAMANN Scene 52 “Who are you?” The man scrambled to his feet, stumbled, and steadied himself against the huge tree trunk next to him. He took a step away as if to run, but his knees buckled a little, and he bent over, panting. “I’m Derizan, and this is ...
  • 10. DR Derizan Scene 53 The Blackened Wood
    THE BLACKENED WOOD Scene 53 They picked Bunjaian up very carefully and carried him through Fornonck to the next Gellin town, Fornonpae, into the small, crowded hospital where fighters from the City assault on Fornonck were being treated. Taking several hours, surgeons extracted the spearlike span of dark wood from ...
  • 11. DR Derizan Scene 54 Bunjaian and Munizkara
    BUNJAIAN AND MUNIZKARA Scene 54 His eyes opened at the sound of a nurse’s voice. Groggy, he tried to stir, and pain shot through his torso. “Not just yet!” The nurse placed his hand gently on Bunjaian’s chest. “We got you cleaned up, except for one small shard that’s still ...
  • 12. DR Derizan Scene 55 Rumbling
    RUMBLING Scene 55 Rumbling. The portal mound shook, and soil fell from its open entrance, the outer door resting on the slope of its mound, outthrust roots and rootlets dangling. Derizan and Daryuz got to the entrance first, with weapons drawn, Piotras close behind them. They looked in. Diamann followed ...
  • 13. DR Derizan Scene 56 Joining Missions
    JOINING MISSIONS Scene 56 Mentrianos slipped quickly out of the hospital area and down the exploration tunnel to the ruined hatch. I have to hurry – they’ll look for me and figure out where I’ve gone. That Munizkara woman was watching me like a slkheer bird. He leaped a few ...
  • 14. DR Derizan Scene 57 Getting to Sleep
    GETTING TO SLEEP Scene 57 Exhaustion took Alumaras, but he could not settle. Diamann breathed raggedly beside him, stirring in a spasm now and then, muttering a word or phrase. Alumaras looked straight up between the towering trees into blackness, trying to see a bit of the night sky. ...
  • 15. DR Derizan Scene 58 Infiltration
    INFILTRATION Scene 58 The portal chamber floor shuddered under Mentrianos and Bunjaian. They looked up as dust and a few bits of rock fell from an arched ceiling scribed with roots. The Sirathen symbol gave a little light, and a door with a level stood opposite the pedestal. “This must ...
  • 16. DR Derizan Scene 45 Ben
    BEN Scene 45 Denzari strode purposefully back to the heavy door. “Come help me. At least we can slow anyone coming through.” Selech and Ajina joined him to raise and slam the door back in place, closing the mound over the portal chamber. Together they heaped its original dirt and ...
  • 17. DR Derizan Here's How This Works
    HERE’S HOW THIS WORKS If you’re reading this, you’re watching me write a story. I’ve picked a setting, I’ve got a few main characters, I’ve got a vague idea of what they’re up against and where they’re going. I’ve got a vision of the whole story arc. Now I’ve written ...
  • 18. DR Derizan Scene 50 Ruin
    RUIN Scene 50 Voices from far up the portal shaft. Turtuz listened. A call, and an answer from further up. They were close. His mind raced. With four of them, he might be able to come out at them himself, but the squad would have to come one by one, ...
  • 19. DR Derizan Scene 51 She Sings
    SHE SINGS Scene 51 “Derizan! Deri! Are you all right?” Lines of stress in Astina’s face. Derizan blinked. “I’m all right,” he said slowly. “A being was there with me and Piotras and Fiarsinhilh. A time being.” He stirred and sat up. “But you’ve been out for hours! We couldn’t ...
  • 20. DR Derizan Scene 49 Hunting Life
    HUNTING LIFE Scene 49 The Sending tore into the mound in Wylwood Forest, hurling its locked doors aside in a tornado of branched violence. Slamming the inner doors, sealing itself in, it gathered its writhing limbs at the portal’s pedestal. A faint trace of life lingered, diffusing, over the panel. ...