Dana Paxson writes science fiction and fantasy. His stories were published in Science Fiction Age magazine and in Scorpius Digital Publishing’s online venue. His book “Brain Wrecks” offers readers the best of his tales.
Dana is digital. He wrote assembly-language code for second-generation mainframes, with punched cards, big tape servos, and big cold computer rooms, where each bit of memory was a magnetic donut on wires. He’s worked his way through all the generations of computers. He speaks their languages. He holds five patents in e-book innovations, and shares his ideas freely.
Some stories in “Brain Wrecks” take place in the world of Dana's science fiction novel “Descending Road”. The novel kicked off his textual, programming, and graphic design work, in electronic publishing and also in virtual worlds Second Life and Kitely. The novel is up on his Website, it’s up for sale online, and he shows interactive settings from the novel in his Kitely virtual world of TarnusCity.
Dana is writing a book on the harmony of science and religion. He is a member of the Baha’i Faith. He writes essays on its themes, topics, and connections with science and society. He’s got a book of those too. He writes hope.
Dana holds an M.A. and a B.A. in mathematics from SUNY, and a B.S. in Design (art) from the University of Michigan. He taught online courses on Cubism, on J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, and on how to think like a Leonardo da Vinci. He's a Hobbit person.
He has worked as a patent clerk. He studies mathematics, medieval and modern poetry, astrophysics, molecular neurobiology, genetic engineering, linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, cryptology, and a few languages. He has acted, sung, and danced in Gilbert and Sullivan productions, and he has created and shown abstract-constructionist works of art. Boredom is not in his repertoire.
Dana and his wife Fran live in Irondequoit, New York, next door to Rochester. They've been happy here for 27 years. He loves the quiet, the greenery, and the gardens, and the easy paths to Lake Ontario, to the Genesee River, and to Irondequoit Bay. He embraces happily the amazing varieties of people and pizza.