If you’re reading this, you’re watching me write a story. I’ve picked a setting, I’ve got a few main characters, I’ve got a vague idea of what they’re up against and where they’re going. I’ve got a vision of the whole story arc. Now I’ve written a series of scenes leading from the story’s beginning to its events along the way, stage by stage. You can start reading here. But I'll warn you first:

Nothing you read here is as good or as clear as it needs to be. I’m editing as I go. Content may change. Structure may change. Paragraphs, sentences, phrases, words – all may change. You’ll see it change whenever you go back and reread any of it. I may kill something or someone you love. I may throw in something or someone out of the blue. This will go on and on.

As I write this, there are over 50 scenes drafted and edited through a first few passes. The story has now reached a point worth calling a chapter, so I’m bundling all the scenes into one file for you. That does not mean it will not be edited more. It will be edited, probably a lot more. When you see Chapter 1 and its scenes, you’ll find the scenes in it are renumbered from when they were posted separately.

New scenes to be written and posted will take us on into a new chapter. They will be posted as scenes first, and bundled up only when I have a key turning point at which to mark a good break.

I may even slice things differently, so that one chapter becomes two, or vice versa. No rules.

Along the way, you’ll see other things pop up. Glossary additions and rewrites. Illustrations. No footnotes, though – it’s not that kind of book. Not yet, anyway.

Some passages may tempt you to go off and read other parts of the story’s big world, the world of Descending Road. You may find out that parts of Descending Road are getting rewritten too.

Life is rewriting. I got that figured out a long time ago.

So if you're curious, the links to Chapter 1 and the Chapter 2 scene list are here.

Last Updated Monday, August 05 2024 @ 03:45 pm  110 Hits   
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