VAGABOND MIND: Working Papers

A Sample from the Preface

The papers here reveal some of the roots of the work and the resulting inventions. For a fuller, much-more-detailed, and lengthy account of the work, the book Vagabond Mind: A Chronicle of Invention tells the story. For a quick look at highlights of the process, the much-shorter illustrated book Vagabond Mind: A Visual Tour is an easier way in.

Innovators do not generally spend too much time documenting their work for others. They are often restless, distracted, overworked by the possibilities, disordered in their attention and focus, and frustrated by efforts to communicate with those of skills not easily engaged with their own. This book, along with its companion volumes referred to above, may offer some clarity and insight to the curious investigator of the innovation process.

Be warned: the level and class of jargon and technical material here is a challenge. The reader can feel free to gloss over any obscurities that impede reading. This is not a snow job. It is a muddy dig into the archaeology of ideas. But the reader may find some interesting surprises in the mud of undeveloped thoughts emerging here.

Last Updated Monday, May 06 2024 @ 09:29 am  130 Hits   
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