Vagabond Mind Visual Tour

How did the story of Descending Road and its World, with all of its forms, stories, functions, and visions, grow out of a rejected novel? The whole answer is long and twisted, but it can be condensed into an entertaining look into its maker's vagabond mind.

He took the novel's print form into a full-fledged publishing system, generating it as an e-book, and patenting the system. The next stage saw him trying to market this new kind of novel online in the virtual world of Second Life. The glamor of graphics suddenly emerged, and illustrations for the e-book form became possible. But more ideas germinated, and as the virtual-world programming opened new options, the virtual world got linked back to the e-book to let visitors plunge right into the book and the stories. A storyboard tour of the book’s Second Life setting is included here.

Out of all this work, lessons emerged in the long, rambling journey taken in writing the novel Descending Road and building it out into the digital realms. Not all these lessons are welcome or easy. But they all feed and nurture and drive the process of innovation. This book unfolds what the author gained.

This is a handy illustrated companion volume to the big book “Vagabond Mind: A Chronicle of Invention. It’s a work in progress. Jump right in here to see a sample.


Last Updated Monday, May 06 2024 @ 10:02 am  303 Hits   
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